Documents de Interest
En OBG Abogados nos comprometemos a brindar a nuestros clientes y visitantes la información más relevante y actualizada en el ámbito legal.
En esta sección encontrará una selección de documentos que pueden ser de interés para usted, incluyendo guías legales, informes especializados, publicaciones sobre cambios normativos, y análisis de tendencias jurídicas.
Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama
Pact of San José of Costa Rica, of November 22, 1969
That approves the Single Text of Executive Decree 539 of August 30, 2018, which creates the National Evaluation and Accreditation System to improve the quality of Higher University Education in Panama
LABOR CODE CABINET DECREE No. 252 of December 30, 1971 (Contains the modifications of Law No. 44 of August 12, 1995)
Adopted and open for signature, ratification and accession by the General Assembly in its resolution 2200 A (XXI), of December 16, 1966
Adopted and open for signature, ratification and accession by the General Assembly in its resolution 2200 A (XXI), of December 16, 1966
That approves the Organic Statute of the Administration Attorney's Office, regulates the General Administrative Procedure and dictates special provisions.
Law No. 2 of August 22, 1916
Published in Official Gazette No. 2,404 of August 22, 1916
Adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly in its resolution 217 A (III), of December 10, 1948
AG res. 1386 (XIV), 14 A GAOR Supp. (No. 16) p. 19, UN Doc. A/4354 (1959).
Adopted and open for signature, ratification and accession by the General Assembly in its resolution 2200 A (XXI), of December 16, 1966
Adopted and open for signature, ratification and accession by the General Assembly in its resolution 2200 A (XXI), of December 16, 1966